Puerto Rico CLE - Ethics and Specialty Courses
This is a listing of Ethics and Specialty CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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How to Ethically Introduce Yourself to Reporters and Speak About Your Practice, Cases and Other Matters
Did you see your colleague quoted in the news? Why are reporters calling her and not you? The answer could be that reporters call the people they know; they don't call an attorney they have never heard of. Therefore, it is critical to learn how to introduce yourself to the media as a source to comment on a case or the business implications of a new law. When you do get a call from a reporter, do you know where to draw the lines to ensure you follow the Rules of Professional Condu... More Info
$501.3Ethics Credits -
Ethical Implications of Litigating Against The Mentally Ill
In this CLE course, NACLE’s well known instructor and extremely published legal commentator, Dov Treiman takes you through the ins and outs of your ethical obligations when you realize that your adverse party is suffering from a mental impairment or disease. He discusses both the legal and the practical considerations. Preferring improvisation to straight lecture (but prepared for both), he welcomes your comments and questions. More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
The Ethics of Criminal Trial Practice
Taking a case to trial is a taxing, stressful, and complicated endeavor for any litigator. But overlying all the legal arguments and factual analysis are ethical considerations that can be just as daunting as the criminal case itself. This CLE course delves into the ethical responsibilities of a litigator at trial. The course will cover various ethical issues that typically come about before and during the jury trial process. The presenter will discuss what et... More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
Coronavirus and Your Mental Health: A Lawyer’s Guide to Coping with Isolation, Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain Times
We know that you have been bombarded with messages about the Coronavirus over the last few months, whether that be on television, social media, or in your community networks. At uncertain times like this, anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts can easily take control. You may be worried about being in crowds, your loved ones, your seniors, your office, your clients, your finances, or how to manage a quarantine. Moreover, recent studies have shown that there has been a dramatic increase i... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Third Annual Litigation Ethics Summit
Applying ethics rules during litigation is hard in normal times. Applying ethics rules in times of upheaval and downward pressure on fees is even harder. How has work-from-home increased compliance risk? How should we handle aggressive opposing counsel? Where’s the line between lying and puffery in settlement discussions? How can firms and clients ethically deploy litigation funding sources in a down economy? To understand your obligations and manage these and other risks you need to keep up w... More Info
$1503Ethics Credits -
Avoiding and Responding to State Bar Inquiries
This CLE program will help practitioners identify and implement various risk management tools that can help them avoid common ethical missteps and client complaints to the state bar. The presenters will discuss the types of conduct and practices that will most frequently draw the attention of bar prosecutors or clients, the lifecycle of a bar investigation, and will provide insight and analysis on best practices for responding to bar complaints. Participants will leave with a better... More Info
$501.4Ethics Credits -
How Microaggressions Can Dismantle an Organization’s Professional Development & Diversity & Inclusion Goals
The random comments that we make, the pronouns that we use, the jokes that we share, and the assumptions that we “innocently” state are slowly and cumulatively making our co-workers and clients very uncomfortable. Moreover, this behavior is likely causing professional development, economic, and reputational harm as injured parties silently leave our organizations. This dynamic CLE session utilizes social science, and current events to provide participants with a greater awareness of i... More Info
$501.1Ethics Credits -
Common Mistakes Lawyers Make with Clients and How to Avoid Them
Many lawyers may not fully understand the Bar rules and ethical considerations regarding client representation and make ethical mistakes regarding whether to take on a client representation, continue the representation, and terminating the representation (and everything in between). This CLE course will address some very important ethical considerations to help lawyers avoid making mistakes with clients. More Info
$751.6Ethics Credits -
Ethics & The Electronic Ages: Understanding Heightened Legal & Ethical Responsibilities
Law firms are struggling with how to guard against and respond to data breaches. Now that Ethical Rules of Conduct (and your specific State’s professional rules of conduct for lawyers) and the real risk of monetary and other penal impact to you truly exists, and the Rules (and other law) obligate you to take new and expansive steps to protect data, it is critical you appreciate your risk, and how to take steps to avoid data breaches, as well as how to handle and mitigate such breaches.... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Ethics Primer: Privileges, Confidentiality And Conflicts Of Interest
What is the attorney client privilege? When does it apply? Can it be waived? Does it apply during an investigation? Does it apply to former employees? What about confidentiality? What is covered by the work product privilege? This CLE Lecture will discuss the basics, and subtleties, of the attorney client privilege, work product privilege, and confidentiality. It will also cover the identification, and avoidance, of conflicts of interest, including attorney disqualifications.... More Info
$501Ethics Credit