Puerto Rico CLE - Ethics and Specialty Courses

This is a listing of Ethics and Specialty CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Estate Planning, Guardianship and Medicaid Eligibility

    An Estate Planning and Elder Law Primer for practitioners who do not practice in the areas of Estate Planning and Elder Law. Learn the ins and outs of Asset Protection, Estate Tax Planning, the importance of Advance Directives, Probate, Special Needs Planning and Medicaid planning. More Info

    1.7Total Credits
    0.7 Ethics
  • Life Time Trusts and the Surrogate's Court: Revocable Trusts; Decanting and Ethics

    The many advantages of revocable trusts have made them a go-to as a vehicle for estate planning. But as with all legal remedies, the decision whether to implement them should be determined on a case by case basis. This CLE course will offer a complete overview of revocable trusts including the process, costs, eligibility, jurisdiction, surrogate court litigation and the overall pros and cons of revocable trusts in estate planning. More Info

    2.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • The Ethics of Deception

    As lawyers, the most profound ethical issues we face generally arise not so much where the choice is between “good” and “bad,” or “right” and “wrong,” but, instead, where the issue compels us to choose between two (or sometimes more) competing “goods” so that by choosing the one we necessarily abandon the other. Indeed, as we see in this program, the core ethical values of our profession force these decisions because they impose fundamentally conflicting duties upon us, and compel us, theref... More Info

    1.8Ethics Credits
  • Hot Topics in Copyright Law

    This CLE program will focus on the current state of copyright law. Listen to a star-studded panel from Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz's IP Litigation Group as they present a rundown of the latest developments. Topics include: Copyright ownership of film, video and other content Defending small copyright claims Copyright ownership of graffiti and other “street” art Star Athletica and ownership of cheerleader uniform designs and other fashion executions Recent cases affecting copyrig... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Legal Ethics from the Perspective of a Plaintiff’s Malpractice Attorney

    In this CLE course, legal malpractice attorney Jefferey O. Katz, along with colleague Eric J. Chisholm, explore some of the potential pitfalls every practicing attorney should be aware of. Mr. Katz and Mr. Chisholm will address several impacts of rapidly-changing technology on our duties as practitioners, including the growing consumer expectation for on-demand services, the risks involved in ever-expanding modes of communication, and methods for using technology as an asset to limit the risks... More Info

    6.5Ethics Credits
  • Avoiding Problems With Real Estate Clients

    This CLE program will cover the most common reasons clients complain about Real Estate Attorneys and offer tips on how to avoid them. By following these tips you will receive referrals instead of grievance complaints or malpractice claims. Best practices for billing and offering consultations to real estate clients will also be discussed. The presenter is Kenneth Landau a partner in the Mineola law firm of Shayne, Dachs, Sauer and Dachs where he concentrates in the areas of negligence,... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Issues in Criminal Practice

    Ethical issues force themselves on the busy lawyer amidst the whirlwind of an extremely contentious criminal trial. Sometimes they arise before trial-or even before a crime- occurs. Unfortunately, many practicing lawyers are unable to recognize ethical issues when they arise, largely because they are rarely clear-cut. However, it is the responsibility the attorney, under the rules of professional conduct, to find a straightforward resolution to any ethical dilemma that arises in a criminal cas... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Issues Facing In-House Counsel

    This informative CLE course will provide a complete overview of professional responsibility issues that may arise for in-house counsel on a day-to-day basis. The course will explain the rules that govern privileged information, e-discovery, contact with former employees and potential conflicts of interest. The course will include problem-solving techniques to resolve critical problems that often arise. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • The Inter-Firm Privilege and the Disciplinary Process: How to Protect Your Communications and Not Get Disciplined

    It’s been a season of firsts for New York lawyers. In recent months a New York appellate court issued a landmark decision recognizing, for the first time, that certain communications between lawyers in a law firm may be protected by the attorney-client privilege (known as the inter-firm privilege). Additionally, the New York Court System adopted uniform rules for imposing attorney discipline, which is expected to bring some much-needed consistency to a process that has been known to change d... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Everything Is a Negotiation: Strategies and Ethical Considerations for Attorneys

    All too often, traditional negotiation strategies result in blown up deals, protracted litigation, and destroyed relationships. Since we all negotiate every day, the stakes are far too high to rely on tired tactics that don’t work. Some people believe that effective negotiators are born, not made, but this presentation will prove them wrong. Join Joe Campolo, a law firm managing partner and business owner, as he shares the alternative negotiation strategies he relies on to solve problems and g... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics

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