Puerto Rico CLE - Immigration Law Courses

This is a listing of Immigration Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Crimmigration: Where Criminal Law Collides with Immigration Law

    Crimmigration is a term that gets thrown around frequently in the legal field and revolves around the intersection of Criminal law and Immigration law. This CLE course is designed to educate the non-specialist lawyer on the basics of this subset of law. Whether you’re an Estates lawyer and your out of country business client has reached out to you because his son got a DUI. Now the client is worried that it will affect the sons student visa and wants reassurance. You will als... More Info

    1.6General Credits
  • Illinois Driver's License Issues as They Relate to a Client’s Immigration Status

    This CLE course will cover the common problems associated with an undocumented immigrant applying for a Tourist Visa Driver’s License (TVDL) in the State of Illinois. It will discuss not only the procedure a person has to go through to obtain a TVDL but some of the problems a client may encounter when applying. It will indicate what those problems may be and the best way to handle them if they do arise. The purpose of this course is to help you effectively and efficiently guide your client t... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Immigration 101: Cancellation of Removal

    There are numerous ways to attain legal Permanent Status in the United States (green card). This CLE discussion is geared towards highlighting one method, which for the most part is not practiced as much as expected. Cancellation of Removal (Immigration and Nationality Act I.N.A. Section 240A (b) (1) (D) allows undocumented aliens (and in other cases documented aliens) to get a green card through qualifying steps on their own applications time, behavior, criminal records, taxes, family ties, a... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Coming to America: The Basics of Investment Based Immigration Law

    This CLE is designed to serve as a brief introduction into the exciting and complex world of investment based immigration laws. Today, some of the largest companies in the US were founded by immigrants and many of these investors relied on one of these visa categories in order to be physically present in the US and grow their businesses. This CLE course will navigate the most common visa categories for investors, both temporary and permanent, their respective legal requirements, and key prac... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Adam Walsh Act Cases

    On July 27, 2006 President George W. Bush enacted the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. This law was meant to protect children from sexual exploitation in violent crimes, prevent child abuse and child pornography, and to promote Internet safety. However, the act also amended INA Section 204 and effectively prohibited US citizens and lawful permanent resident aliens who have been convicted of any “specific crime against a minor” from filing any family-based immigrant petition on behal... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Spousal Abuse Petitions for I-360 and I-751 Cases

    There are specific criteria and considerations in psychosocial evaluations for spousal abuse cases, specifically when handling immigration petitions. Here, attorney Mark Silver discusses how such cases are evaluated from a clinical perspective with the consideration for the client's immigration petition. He examines the cycles of abuse and the challenges the victim faces in the context of their marriage to an American citizen, as well as the major types of abuse and characteristics of abusers.... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Asylum Basics: What you Need to Know to Handle an Asylum Case from Start to Finish

    This CLE course is intended to provide attorneys with a basic knowledge of the United States asylum process. After taking the course, one should be able to handle a basic asylum application from start to finish. Furthermore, one should be able to decipher between what is a complicated asylum case and what is a simple basic asylum case. We will discuss the nuances of persecution as defined by the INA, by delving into current case law and judicial opinions. As well as learn the steps an attorney... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • U.S. Immigration and Nationality Law: An Overview of Immigration Law under the Trump Administration

    In this CLE program, Professor Wildes takes a broad survey of immigration law, and reviews how foreign nationals immigrate to the United States, as well as how they fall out of legal status. He also looks at local issues from a mayor's point of view, such as drivers' licenses for undocumented foreign nationals, stacking, sanctuary cities, and how to spot fraudulent marriages. Finally, he concludes this CLE program by looking at how immigration policy has shifted in the Trump administration, and... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Disabilities

    U.S. immigration law has special exemptions for immigrants who have special needs, or for immigrants who have family members with special needs. This CLE course will explore some of the more common ways that a practitioner may encounter these situations and go over strategies to help clients. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Matter-Of-Mam Competency Evaluations For Immigration Proceedings

    This CLE course will provide the immigration defense attorney with an understanding of the mental health and evaluation issues for immigration clients who may require competency evaluations. These clients may already be in proceedings or may be held in an ICE detention center pending an outcome of the evaluation. Join attorney and forensic expert Mark Silver for an in-depth analysis of Matter of M-A-M Cases. Learning Objectives: Understand the major concerns in a competency hearing b... More Info

    1.2General Credits

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