Puerto Rico CLE - Litigation Courses

This is a listing of Litigation CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Issues Unique to Litigating Long Term Disability Insurance Claims

    This CLE program is designed to explain issues that are frequently encountered in the course of litigating long-term disability insurance claims that are unique to such claims. The program will cover the three main topics that arise frequently in long-term disability insurance litigation – legal issues (such as pre-existing condition exclusions), and medical issues relating to proof requirements, dealing with subjective disabilities, and addressing surveillance and social media. Finally, the p... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • A Musical Playlist for Successful Motion Writing

    Motion writing should be as fun and inspired for the drafter; and as compelling for the reader; as music is for the listener. In this program, Tracy Frankel takes you through a musical playlist that corresponds to the many tips, rules and strategies you will need to prepare a persuasive motion. This course will provide standards to live by when making motions of any kind; strategies for the Notice of Motion, Affirmation and Memorandum of Law; helpful tips for the inclusion of exhibits; and st... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigation Risk & Reality in Construction

    An overview of key topics that relate to best practices in Construction claims avoidance and Dispute resolution. This CLE Presentation will include an understanding of how the various contract delivery systems and typical construction contract provisions affect the type and likelihood of claims. This presentation will address how management and timely resolution of change orders and disputes can impact the overall cost and time of performance, and the importance of proper project rec... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Challenging the Breath Test in a DWI Case: From Discovery to Cross-Examination

    This CLE program is designed for attorneys who handle DWI cases in New York and are looking for ways to challenge the breath test. I will break down the discovery material provided by the District Attorney’s Office in order to use it to your advantage. In addition, we will focus on cross-examining the breath test operator to show potential issues with the chemical test. Finally, this program will provide an overview of defenses used to challenge the test result and explain when an expert wi... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Dram Shop, The Toxicology and the Law

    Attorneys may regularly encounter criminal cases involving alcohol, such as DUI cases. But what about civil personal injury cases where alcohol is involved? One such example is the dram shop case. A driver who is intoxicated following the use of alcohol may or may not have been visibly intoxicated while served at an establishment. If an injury occurs, was it a result of that patron being overserved? Was the patron underage? Dram shop statutes will vary from state to state; however, there are s... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • How to Try Section 1983 Lawsuits Against Police for Fabrication of Evidence in Reports, Affidavits, and Testimony

    “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about the weather.” -- Mark Twain Twain’s quip could equally apply to the epidemic of police lying swamping the nation. The epidemic taints criminal proceedings, conceals police misconduct, and reduces public respect for law enforcement and Law. Many attorneys have witnessed police telling outrageous whoppers, and few have seen them called to account. False police reports and “testilying” are effectively tolerated in the nation’s... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Jury Selection In Civil Cases: What You Need To Know

    Never underestimate the importance of jury selection. Your opening remarks to a jury panel are usually the first words the jury hears concerning the facts of the case. We all know the importance of first impressions. Jurors begin forming impressions of the case from the first moment of the selection process. Attorneys who approach jury selection as rote, redundant, boring, and an obligatory procedure are not serving their clients well. Focused, sharp attention must be paid to questi... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • The Wonderful World of Oz: Effective Strategies for Virtual Litigation

    This CLE course will address the legal, practical and ethical challenges raised when parties, lawyers and judges or neutrals are proceeding remotely. It will discuss the trends for online depositions, hearings, trials, arbitrations and mediations, the most common problems litigants are facing and practical solutions for tackling those challenges. The program will also address some of the ethical issues the participants face as to preserving attorney-client privilege, assuring that co... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Copyright, Fair Use, and Looking Toward the Future

    This CLE program will introduce viewers to the basics of copyright law and to the affirmative, and often judicially expanding, defense of “fair use.” The instructor will explain the significance of Google v. Oracle, which was recently been argued before the Supreme Court, and its potential impact on the judicial interpretation of what constitutes “fair use”. Some recent copyright regulations, such as one permitting for group registration of short online works, and pending legislation will als... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Overview of New York No Fault Claims and Litigation from a Defense Attorney Perspective

    No Fault Litigation from a defense attorney perspective, starts with an overview of the No Fault System, and who is eligible for New York State No Fault benefits. The definition of who is an eligible injured party and when claims must be paid and/or denied. This CLE course will also cover the defenses to No Fault claims, claims processing, and the recommended tactics for defending denied No Fault claims. More Info

    1.3General Credits

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