Puerto Rico CLE - Personal Injury Courses

This is a listing of Personal Injury CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Making Adverse Witnesses a Free Expert Witness

    In every case, the plaintiff claims that the defendant breached a duty of care owed. The most effective way to prove that the defendant was negligent is through the mouth of the defendant itself; do it's employees possess the requisite knowledge and are they doing what they should do? This CLE class teaches you how to effectively question the defendants to make them expert witnesses on behalf of the plaintiff; even a janitor is an expert in the custodial sciences! More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Anatomy of a Dental Malpractice Action

    The focus of this course is dental malpractice civil lawsuits. We will look at recent malpractice trends such as frequency, awards and types of claims against dentists. Topics will include the standard of care, informed consent and informed refusal. We’ll explore reasons why patients sue their dentists. Tort reform will be surveyed, particularly limits on non-economic and special damages. Because dental malpractice actions typically do not have a high monetary value, the course wi... More Info

    1.8General Credits
  • Navigating New York State No-Fault (PIP) Insurance Coverage: A Claimant Perspective

    The increased resistance by the insurance companies in paying claims has added to the complexity of the no-fault laws and regulations. Since the New York State no-fault insurance system began, the original framework has transformed many times and has become difficult for attorneys and medical providers to navigate. This CLE lecture is intended simplify these complexities by addressing landmark no-fault cases, recent fee schedule changes current in effect, filing successful arbitration... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Virtual Civil Jury Trial and Advanced Zoom Techniques: A Guideline for Remote Proceedings

    Join this panel as they present a three part lecture outlining the guidelines during remote proceedings. The first part will address advanced Zoom techniques from initiation through bench trial. The second part will discuss the tools need to successfully complete a virtual civil jury trial. Lastly, the panel consisting of Lawyers and a Judge will come together in a group discussion to discuss their recent participation in a virtual civil jury trial. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Overview of New York No Fault Claims and Litigation from a Defense Attorney Perspective

    No Fault Litigation from a defense attorney perspective, starts with an overview of the No Fault System, and who is eligible for New York State No Fault benefits. The definition of who is an eligible injured party and when claims must be paid and/or denied. This CLE course will also cover the defenses to No Fault claims, claims processing, and the recommended tactics for defending denied No Fault claims. More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Neuro Anatomy for Lawyers

    The law and anatomy are considered by some to be equally complex. Yet, client representation in a variety of cases often requires lawyers to understand anatomy, physiology and injuries in relation to the law. This CLE course is specific to musculoskeletal and neuroanatomy. The purpose of this webinar is to provide lawyers with an understanding of these anatomical regions, as well as positioning and expert witness testimony. Key Topics: Cases where medical expert use is required; Expert... More Info

    1.4General Credits
  • What You Need to Know and Do to Try a Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Case

    It is essential in trying a chronic traumatic encephalopathy case to attain knowledge of relevant neural science, neurology, neuroimaging and neuropsychology for direct examination of medical experts and, even more importantly, for cross examination by the utilization of generally accepted medical literature. Relevant literature is referred to regarding medical issues relating to CTE. The applicability of the Federal Rules of Evidence with regard to expert witnesses is also analyzed and discus... More Info

    8.1General Credits
  • Police Liability Under Section 1983: Critical Steps for the Trial Lawyer

    Whether you are on the plaintiff’s or the defense side, you must engage in critical decision making through the life of a case. Be ready for the challenge. This practical webinar will take you through a high exposure death case and fifteen critical decisions you and your opponent will have to make, including: Case selection for the plaintiff. Discovery issues and expert retention for both sides. Timing and contents for dispositive motions Best time to talk settlement. Pretrial moti... More Info

    1.6General Credits
  • Trial Preparation Skills: Personal Injury Cases

    Preparation is the key to success for any trial. While the judge, jury, your adversary and your client get to see you in action during the trial, it is the time spent before the trial, developing your theory, dissecting the evidence, preparing your witnesses and shaping your opening and closing statements that will determine your success. Trial preparation begins from the day the case is retained. Honing in early on the theory of your case will enable you to move the case efficiently... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Advanced Strategies for Negotiating Claims with Insurance Companies

    Do you have advanced tools for negotiating a personal injury settlement with an Insurance company? Explore tested strategies from experienced practitioners in this comprehensive legal guide. In this CLE Presentation, you will learn how to craft a powerful demand letter, recognize bad faith and more. Set the tone for the negotiations from the start: find the most productive balance between hardball tactics and building a relationship with the Insurance Company. The Course Objectives that w... More Info

    1.6General Credits

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