South Dakota CLE - Criminal Law Courses

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  • Representing Clients in State and Local Criminal Tax Investigations: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know

    NYS and NYC have numerous criminal penalties for deliberate tax payer fraud and misconduct that can be particularly onerous. Indeed, criminal tax enforcement in NYS has increased significantly since 2007 when the Department of Taxation and Finance decided to more aggressively use its powers to target tax fraud. Hear from a panel of experts what you need to know about NYS and NYC criminal tax enforcement and how you can advise and defend your clients when facing criminal tax investigati... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • ADHD, School Discipline & Criminal Prosecution

    ADHD has become the go-to diagnosis for misbehaving children, inattentive teenagers and maladjusted adults. But where it’s most prevalent is in the prison system, affecting nearly 50% of the population and typically presenting along with co-occurring conditions such as learning disabilities and other risk factors for antisocial and criminal behavior. This CLE course will assess the impact of ADHD and other mental health conditions on these types of behaviors, substance abuse, and other... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Experts Speak: Tips and Techniques in Presenting, Preserving and Challenging the Admissibility of Evidence

    Join our panel of experts as they share tried and true techniques for presenting, preserving and challenging the admissibility of evidence. Topics to be discussed include: Evidence Tools and Tips: Prior Inconsistent Statements; Reading from Depositions of Witnesses; Refreshing Witness' Recollection; Adverse Party as Witness; Impeachment; Proof by Admissions; Business Records Rule; Failure to Call Witnesses or produce evidence ... AND MORE Evidentiary Issues and the Law of Conspiracy... More Info

    5.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Dealing with Difficult Attorneys

    Have you ever been frustrated when litigating a case or negotiating a transaction because opposing counsel seems intent on thwarting your every move? Then join NYCLA’s Task Force on Professionalism to learn tips and techniques for dealing with difficult counsel. Civility in and out of the courtroom has never been more important, given the challenges of practicing in the legal profession in the current economic environment. A distinguished panel with members from private practice, the judiciary... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • From Murder to Museums: Recent Cases and Ethical Considerations in Nazi Looted Art

    While much attention has been given to the resolution of the case surrounding the "Woman in Gold portrait", learn the facts and ethical considerations behind the current pending controversies regarding artworks looted by Nazi Germany, including Camille Pissarro’s “Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep,” currently residing at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Norman, Oklahoma and Egon Schiele’s “Girl With Black Hair,” currently at Oberlin College. This fascinating discussion will look at the l... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.75 Ethics
  • Police Misconduct: Excessive Force and Legal Justification

    Police misconduct is an increasingly hot-button issue. Whether criminal or not, the public has always had zero tolerance for misconduct among those whose job it is to uphold the law and thereby should be setting an example for others. This CLE course will explain how police misconduct is determined, the types of misconduct and the agencies, including the CCRB and the IAB, charged with investigating misconduct in the police force. The course will delve deeper into the areas in which police misc... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Ethical Issues in Supervising Others: Can Their Misconduct Become Yours?

    Whether you are a solo practitioner, a partner in a large firm, in-house counsel, or a government attorney, you don’t practice alone. Most likely you have non-lawyer staff, law clerks, and partners or other colleagues with whom you work. While you take care to ensure that you are always complying with applicable codes of professional conduct, what happens if someone in your office engages in misconduct? Could you be held responsible for that person's actions? This CLE program presented... More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • Litigating International Child Kidnapping Cases Under the Hague Convention

    This CLE is designed to teach attorneys how to represent clients in federal and state court using the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the implementing legislation, known as the International Child Abduction Remedies Act. Litigation under this treaty and its implementing legislation is a variant of civil litigation that is unique and outside the normal experience of even veteran family law attorneys and federal litigators, as well as many federal and s... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • An Overview of DWI & and other Alcohol Related Offenses

    This course will be led by Tully Rinckey PLLC Partner Donald E. Kelly, Esq. Mr. Kelly will draw upon more than a decade of experience as a criminal defense attorney handling misdemeanor and felony cases to assist attorneys of all levels of skill and experience in improving their legal knowledge regarding DWI and related offenses. Mr. Kelly will provide guidance to attorneys on the Vehicle and Traffic Law in the context of alcohol and drug related offenses and procedures. Mr. Kelly will also pr... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Crafting a Case: Openings and Summations

    While a case is proven by the facts in evidence, a trial attorney’s opening and closing statements are often the most critical elements in their success. Developing a compelling opening and summation must begin early in the process with the facts then interwoven into that central theme. This CLE course will teach you how to use the frame of the opening and closing statements to prove your case, bolster the facts which support it and deflect those that weaken it. The course includes a dynamic b... More Info

    2General Credits

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