South Dakota CLE - Ethics Credit Courses

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  • Happy Together: A Guide to Aggregate Settlements

    An agreed upon settlement is generally the preferred method of resolving legal disputes. But as hard as it is to get two people to agree on terms, when there’s a third party involved, the complexities can be enormous. And the issues don’t end with a settlement. Aggregate settlements are just that—two or more parties represented by the same lawyer, all agreeing to resolution of claims, defenses or pleas. This CLE course will offer a complete review of Aggregate Settlements, the applicab... More Info

    1.25Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • Ethical Issues in Intellectual Property

    Using a series of hypotheticals, intellectual property lawyers and an ethicist will discuss how to best deal with the ethical dilemmas that arise during the everyday practice of intellectual property lawyers. More Info

    2.25Ethics Credits
  • Finding The Perfect Client: A Guideline to Personal Injury Representation

    While there are many courses that offer advice on how to be the perfect attorney, few focus on what is perhaps a more critical issue—the perfect client. When it comes to personal injury cases, client issues abound and it’s crucial to assess the situation before taking on a case. This CLE course will outline the myriad potential issues from how an attorney enlists clients, how to determine which clients to represent and the viability of client claims. Included in this course is: Sources f... More Info

    1.5Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • Ethical Issues Shared Between Public Interest Lawyers and Private Lawyers

    This fascinating CLE course explores the myriad ethical issues that arise as an attorney transitions between the public and private sectors or vice versa. Presented by Frankfurt Kurnit and The Bronx Defenders, Ethical Issues Shared Between Public Interest Lawyers and Private Lawyers reviews relevant guidelines and case law such as the New York Rules of Professional Conduct, NYSBA Committee on Professional Ethics, The State Bar of California Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Tackling Ethical Issues Arising in Federal Criminal Cases

    A distinguished panel of experts discusses the difficult ethical issues confronting practitioners involved in federal criminal cases -- from both the defense and prosecution sides. Hypotheticals are used to illustrate some of the complex ethical problems faced by federal criminal attorneys in daily practice. More Info

    2.25Ethics Credits
  • Dealing With Ethical Issues Arising in Arbitration and Mediation

    Using a series of hypotheticals, a panel of experts will discuss the ethical issues confronted during ADR and mediation. The issues are further complicated by the fact that mediators and arbitrators are not necessarily bound to the Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys when they are attorneys -- and many are not. This issue and many others will be part of the highly interactive and provocative program. More Info

    2.5Ethics Credits
  • Ethical Issues Facing Practitioners in Family Law

    Family law practitioners are confronted with complex ethical dilemmas in their everyday practice. In this CLE course, experienced matrimonial and family law attorney, Samuel J. Ferrara will take you through a series of hypothetical's exploring the myriad ethical issues faced by family law and matrimonial attorneys. Address the possible resolutions of these ethical concerns, such as issues regarding the certification of a statement of net worth, as well as custody and visitation. This program i... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • Is Criminal Lawyering About Truth?

    A panel of prosecutors and defense attorneys explore the key issue of whether criminal lawyers should ascertain the complete truth from their clients as well as other ethical dilemmas confronted by criminal practitioners. Must a lawyer believe his or her client's testimony? Why do clients lie? What should a lawyer do after learning that the client lied? This course provides a fascinating discussion no matter which perspective you come from -- prosecution or defense. More Info

    2.25Ethics Credits
  • Legal Pitfalls Relating to Public Relations & Online Media and How it Affects All Practitioners

    Whether you’re involved in a high-profile, media frenzy case or the most common of lawsuits, there are a wide variety of ethical issues that arise in litigation proceedings. This engaging CLE course, presented by prominent defense attorney Benjamin Brafman, offers attorneys a complete and detailed look at the legal and ethical issues including public perception, disclosure and discussions of pending litigation, drafting, damage control and issues surrounding electronic communication. More Info

    1Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics

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