South Dakota CLE - Personal Injury Courses

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  • The Experts Speak: Tips and Techniques in Presenting, Preserving and Challenging the Admissibility of Evidence

    Join our panel of experts as they share tried and true techniques for presenting, preserving and challenging the admissibility of evidence. Topics to be discussed include: Evidence Tools and Tips: Prior Inconsistent Statements; Reading from Depositions of Witnesses; Refreshing Witness' Recollection; Adverse Party as Witness; Impeachment; Proof by Admissions; Business Records Rule; Failure to Call Witnesses or produce evidence ... AND MORE Evidentiary Issues and the Law of Conspiracy... More Info

    5.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Effective Deposition Strategies in Nursing Home and Medical Malpractice Cases

    Taking a deposition in nursing home care cases is an essential component in building a case. Understanding what a deposition can and should achieve as well as strategically evaluating who to depose and how can be a game-changer. This comprehensive CLE course will offer a detailed list of who should be deposed, what questions to ask, how to frame the questions and what prior information you need before you begin. The course will explain the most effective preparation for depositions, an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Mediating and Settling Nursing Home Cases

    For some, mediation is a convenient, cost-effective way to avoid a trial. For others, it’s a compromise that leaves them if not the winner, at least not the loser. Regardless of why a party might seek mediation and settlement, it’s imperative to understand the cost/benefit of mediation, to evaluate the likelihood of success, and to understand the parameters of mediation. This informative CLE course will review the process of mediation from start to finish including how to broach the to... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Intake Process & Ethical Considerations in Nursing Home Cases

    The strategy in trying a legal case begins from the very first step - the intake interview. How that interview is conducted is critical in choosing and building a successful case. Nursing home cases are no different. Whether interviewing the injured party or a family member, this CLE course will outline what questions to ask, how to establish the chronology of events leading up to the incident in question, how to properly obtain medical records and the role of the Illinois Department of Health w... More Info

    1Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • Protecting the Rights of Elderly Clients through Nursing Home Litigation

    As the population ages and longevity increases, long-term care and nursing homes are often the most viable option for the elderly. Trained staff, good facilities and geographical proximity are just some of the considerations that prompt people to make this decision for their elder family members. Unfortunately, there are countless stories of abuse and neglect at the hands of nursing home and long-term care staff. This CLE course will explain the process of litigating long-term care mal... More Info

    1General Credit
  • When to Retain a Financial Expert and How to Use them Effectively

    Learn from a panel of experts how to select, work with, and use experts to prove damages. The program will provide an overview of the law governing recovery of lost profits; the concepts for measurement and projection of lost profits; the best use of a damages expert; and how to project lost revenues. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Ethical Pitfalls Relating to Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    Solo practitioners and small firms face ethical perils unique to their practices. Medium and large firm practitioners who intend to start a new law firm will face many of the same ethical problems. However, most ethical dilemmas can be avoided by simple risk management techniques and a basic understanding of common pitfalls that arise in these types of practices. The goal of the program is to help attendees avoid disciplinary complaints and legal malpractice claims by recognizing et... More Info

    1.75Ethics Credits
  • The Essentials of Auto Accident Law

    This CLE program will examine and discuss the various factors which must be considered when evaluating or handling a motor vehicle accident claim. We will review the applicable Pennsylvania insurance statute and discuss a variety of practical considerations which should be evaluated when considering whether to take on a claim. We will also address common issues which arise in most motor vehicle accident cases and discuss how best to anticipate and address these issues. Topics To Be Addre... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Tips and Techniques for the Personal Injury Practice from Initial Interview Through Trial

    This CLE program will explore lesser-discussed and unique perspectives regarding the initial evaluation, processing, discovery and ultimate trial of a personal injury case. Topics include: Case evaluation Pre-suit settlement Written discovery Depositions, discovery and expert depositions for use at trial Trial tips, including openings and closings More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Experts’ Guide to Appellate Practice: The Basics and Beyond

    Learn from a panel of appellate practitioners, clerks of the court and appellate judges what you need to know to handle an appeal – from appellate fundamentals to advanced appellate practice. Our expert panel will discuss: The Fundamentals of Appellate Practice Advanced Appellate Practice: Anticipating the Pitfalls Motion Practice Practice in the First and Second Departments A Judicial View From the Court of Appeals Practice Before the NY Court of Appeals Views From the Bench:... More Info

    6.75General Credits

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