Texas CLE - Constitutional Law Courses

This is a listing of Constitutional Law CLE Courses for Texas. Please make your selection below of Texas CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Criminal Procedure: The 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments

    This CLE lecture will cover issues such as what is a search and what is a seizure under the fourth amendment; search warrants, their issuance as well as their execution; exceptions to the search warrant requirement; stop and frisk; the exclusionary rule and exceptions to it; Miranda and the 5th amendment, and 14th amendment voluntariness of statements; as well as more briefly than other topics, the 6th amendment and the right to counsel. More Info

    2General Credits
  • No Mercy: Presenting a Successful Justification Defense

    This innovative CLE takes you through the concepts and practice of presenting the defense of self-defense, or justification, at trial. Whether you are advanced practitioner looking to hone your skills, or just trying to learn basics, this lecture will cover all the steps involved in a successful justification defense, including the burden of proof; the reasonableness standard; discovery and investigation; voir dire; and the preparation and presentation of defense witnesses and evidence.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Conducting Police Internal Affairs Investigations

    This CLE course is designed to provide government lawyers and others practical knowledge and sample policies on how to conduct effective police internal affairs investigations. The presenter has decades of experience representing police and local government officials in connection with internal affairs investigations, civil rights lawsuits, labor & employment disputes, policy drafting & workforce training. The course includes the following topics: The roles of solicitors,... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Understanding Religious Accommodations After The Groff Supreme Court Decision

    Employers are required to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, understanding what this means and how to ensure compliance is not easy. How has the Groff Supreme Court decision changed the meaning of “undue burden” under Title VII and how can an employer ensure compliance? What does the interactive process under Title VII look like and what documentation can an employer request? The answers to these and ot... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 1st and 4th Amendment and Employment Cases: Difficult Issues and Lessons Learned

    Experienced litigators in the areas of First and Fourth Amendment Law and Employment Law share perspectives on difficult issues and lessons regarding some of the most interesting and timely issues of our day. The presenters will seek to impart lessons you may not have learned in law school or perhaps in some books so that newer and less-experienced counsel gain the competence to successfully handle these matters at the motions stage, at trial, on appeal or by settlement. Learn practica... More Info

    3.5General Credits
  • The ADA and Employment Discrimination

    This CLE course will focus on Title One of the Americans with Disabilities Act and what the requirements are on employers under the ADA. The class will go into detail as to what constitutes discrimination, conditions which must be accommodated, what type of accommodations a business is obligated to grant, what accommodations a business is not required to grant, the process to grant accommodations, and when a business is excused from accommodating an employee. The course will also inclu... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Winning Motions to Suppress: Cross Examination of Police for Warrantless Vehicle Searches

    This CLE course will focus on practical methods of cross-examination of police officer witnesses where a traffic stop resulted in a warrantless vehicle search. The course will cover conducting a thorough client interview/intake form. Additionally, the course will go over common mistakes attorneys make when cross-examining police officer witnesses. And finally, this course will go over structuring your cross-examination, utilizing the information received from the client interview, and a... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Campus Civil Rights: The Tension Between The First Amendment and Hostile Environment Proscriptions

    Free expression or the exchange of ideas has been a hallmark of American education. Yet, whether protection of free expression is obligated by the Constitution is a more complicated question and the answer may vary from public to private institution or programs within each institution. But even where the Constitution does apply, speech is not absolute. Universities are workplaces, places of public accommodation, healthcare providers and learning centers. A myriad of laws regulate spee... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Roe v Wade: Abortion Post Dobbs

    In this CLE course, the Instructor will discuss the recent Dobbs’ decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) found that there is no federal right to abortion and overruled both "Roe v. Wade" and " Planned Parenthood v. Casey". This created a sea change in federal Due Process law particularly concerning the rights of liberty and privacy. The Instructor explains the over 100—page decision in practical terms and discusses possible litigation, which could result from... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ON STRIKE! The Law of Labor Conflict

    Union organizing and strikes are on the rise. While the federal law governing labor-management relations has changed little in decades, recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board and evolving methods of workplace protest are changing the landscape of traditional union activity. This course examines the fundamental provisions of the National Labor Relations Act and its amendments relating to labor strikes, picketing, boycotts, and other protest activities, in both union an... More Info

    1General Credit

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