Virgin Islands CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Virgin Islands. Please make your selection below of Virgin Islands CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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#You're Fired @Will: Social Media and Employment Law
Employees talk about everything on social media. Their supervisors. Their clients. The pitch they worked on all night. While many of these comments are harmless, some violate workplace rules or threaten company interests. But disciplining employee social media communications is not as easy as it sounds - even in "employment at will" situations. State and federal law protects certain types of online speech. In addition to the subject matter of the comments, you have to consider wher... More Info
$501General Credit -
Commercial Real Estate Transactions: Avoiding Pitfalls when Representing a Buyer or Seller
This CLE course will show you how to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes involved with representing a buyer or seller of commercial property. Topics include Contract review Negotiations Representing a Buyer or Seller? Checklists & Forms included More Info
$501General Credit -
Home Sweet Home: Handling a Residential Real Estate Transaction
Real Estate closings have a million moving parts. Efficient and effective handling of each of those parts is absolutely imperative to a successful closing. This CLE course will make sure you are well-versed in all the relevant issues and guidelines, strategies and tools to handle real estate closings in Illinois. Topics include: Contract review Negotiations Representing a Buyer or Seller? Checklists & Forms included More Info
$501General Credit -
Use of Subpoenas in Arbitration and their Enforcement
In today’s world of national and international commerce, it is common for a party to want information and testimony from a person or entity not a party or employed by a party. But the law regarding the issuance of subpoenas for arbitration depends on a statute passed early in the 20th century when commerce was far more limited. This CLE course is designed to show the process for using subpoenas in arbitration, and the limits and difficulties which may be encountered in their use. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
What Attorneys Need to Know About Capital Markets and Ratings
Ever wonder about what a rating means or why ratings are so important in today's global economy? What role did ratings play in the run up to the Credit Crisis? This informative CLE course, presented by New York attorney and ratings expert Jack Chen, explains everything a lawyer should know about ratings and rating agencies. The course examines the regulatory framework and explains who uses ratings and why they are here to stay. Any practitioner who works with debt securities, derivatives or... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
Introduction to Structured Finance
RMBS, CMBS, CDOs, SIVs can seem like alphabet soup yet they play an integral part of the global economy and capital markets. Some will even allege that these sophisticated financial products were responsible for the credit crisis that nearly destroyed the global economy. What are these structured products, how do they work and who created them? This informative CLE course, presented by New York attorney and subject matter expert Jack Chen, explains the essential characteristics of structu... More Info
$751.25General Credits -
Breathing Life Into the Dreaded Justification Defense
The justification defense is not the go-to strategy of most criminal defense attorneys. In that it pre-supposes the client’s admission of a criminal act, most attorneys would advise their client that taking a plea is the safer route. But attorneys who ignore the great potential of the justification defense may not be acting in the best interests of their client. This CLE course presented by Jeffrey Schwartz, will explain why with a thorough explanation of the justification defense, how... More Info
$501General Credit -
New Jersey Civil Trial Preparation & Municipal Court Practice
Are you a newly admitted New Jersey attorney or an experienced New Jersey attorney seeking a refresher course in the basics of civil litigation and Municipal Court practice? Are you an out-of-state attorney who has a pending civil or Municipal Court matter in the New Jersey courts? This two part seminar will cover civil litigation in the New Jersey courts, as well as how to handle a case in the Municipal Courts of New Jersey. The first part of the seminar will cover topics such as the... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Introduction to Title Insurance: Essential Things Every Attorney Should Know
Real property attorneys review title reports daily. However, title reports and policies have become so common, that many attorneys have not considered for quite some time the important tenets of title insurance. Mr. Bagwell’s seminar presentation will introduce new and junior attorneys to the basic conceptual framework of title insurance while also re-acquainting senior counsel to the intricacies of various title products. Several common misconceptions regarding various aspects of titl... More Info
$501General Credit -
Applying Mediation Principles to Family Law Issues
Mediation is a form of ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) that may be used in civil disputes, family law matters, eldercare, and many other fields. In this course you will be given an overview of mediation skills and techniques from a trained attorney/mediator. The lecture will apply mediation principles to practice areas in family law. Whether you are an attorney contemplating starting a mediation practice or are simply looking to gain practical insight into this growing field this lecture is... More Info
$1002Total Credits1 Ethics