Solo Practitioner Bundle - Virgin Islands CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Solo Practitioner Bundle. This Bundle contains 20 Credit Hours of VI CLE Lectures - Including 4 Ethics, 2 Technology and 1 Mental Health hour.

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $580
Only $395
Save $580
Courses priced individually at $975
  • 4.5 Ethics
  • 3 Technology
  • 1 Mental Health/Abuse

Solo Practitioner Bundle Includes:

  • $50

    Emerging Developments in Artificial Intelligence for Lawyers

    Technology Credits: 1

    Artificial Intelligence is becoming ubiquitous in legal practice. New tools and new providers emerge constantly. Lawyers need to understand artificial intelligence in order to represent their clients competently and effectively. Lawyers also need to understand the use of AI in order to compete....

  • $50

    The Effects of Trauma and Compassion Fatigue on the Lawyer Who Cares

    Mental Health/Abuse Credits: 1

    Many of us were attracted to the legal profession because we care about people and want to help them. Attorneys hopefully recognize that, unlike many other professionals, their lives are already filled to the brim with anxiety and stress. The consequences of shrugging it off can be catastrophic. O...

  • $75

    International Intellectual Property Transactions in Many Countries

    General Credits: 1.5

    This CLE Course will briefly review the basics of the intellectual property categories recognized under the laws of the United States and many other countries, and the ways that the associated intellectual property rights can be registered internationally. This CLE will move quickly to issues...

  • $100

    Navigating AI Ethics and Detection: Insights for Lawyers and Legal Professionals

    Ethics Credits: 1

    Technology Credits: 1

    This CLE course will provide legal practitioners with a sound, backdrop of the legal environment of ethics in the use of generative AI. The landscape is rapidly changing and practitioners should bear this mind as they apprehend the materials and discussion offered in this course. The course wil...

  • $50

    Cybersecurity, Data Protection and AI Ethics: Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course explores the current cybersecurity risk landscape in the context of the ABA Model Rules on maintaining competency. It examines how technology affects the security and privacy of client communications, information management, billing, and the supervision of law firm personnel. The co...

  • $100

    The Importance of Registering Your Copyright in the Music World

    General Credits: 2

    This CLE course will demonstrate how important it truly is to register your copyrights in the music world. Registering copyrights is the best way to both add value to creative works and protect them. We will discuss the cost-benefit analysis of registration; go through a primer on Copyright Law...

  • $50

    Ethical Duties When Representing Clients and Working on Client Files

    Ethics Credits: 1

    Many lawyers may not fully understand the Bar rules and ethical considerations regarding whether to take on a client representation, continue the representation, and/or terminate the representation (and everything in between). This CLE course will address some very important ethical considerati...

  • $50

    The Use of Trusts in Government Benefits Planning

    General Credits: 1.25

    This CLE presentation will address the use of various types of trusts in government benefits planning, including revocable trusts, spousal planning using revocable trusts, long term care planning using Irrevocable Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, Supplemental Needs Trusts, and long-term care plann...

  • $75

    The ABCs of MSOs: How and Why to Form a Compliant Lasting and Profitable Management Services Organization

    General Credits: 1.5

    This CLE presentation on Management Services Organizations (MSOs) provides an in-depth exploration of their critical role in healthcare. Participants will learn about the definition, purpose, and significance of MSOs, focusing on their structure and function. The course covers essential legal c...

  • $75

    Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation

    Ethics Credits: 1.5

    This CLE examines the ethical issues that arise when attorneys are performing legal services on a pro bono basis. Using the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, it identifies particular rules that would apply in common pro bono scenarios, and discusses how attorneys can spot potential issues a...

  • $50

    Ethical Considerations in Representing Multiple and Corporate Clients

    Ethics Credits: 1

    The foundation of any attorney-client relationship is the client. However, it isn’t always obvious to a lay person who your client is. It is imperative for clients to understand who we represent, the subtleties of organizational representation and joint representation, as well as the contours of at...

  • $100

    Unusually Important Federal Tax Cases: What Attorneys Need to Know

    General Credits: 2

    This CLE program covers six federal taxation cases of recent vintage that are important for tax attorneys to commit to memory. Business law attorneys, who often find themselves in federal taxation deep water, can benefit from this Program because they will gain appreciation of the way federal tax l...

  • $50

    Anti-Money Laundering Compliance: It's Growing, So Make Sure Your Clients are Covered

    General Credits: 1.25

    The passage of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (“AMLA”) brought sweeping changes to the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) legislative regime in the United States. Parts of the AMLA are still being put into force, including coverage of entities not traditionally include...

  • $50

    How to Use AI to Grow Your Practice

    Technology Credits: 1

    Discover practical AI applications to enhance your law firm's productivity, performance, and profit. This hands-on session will guide you through the latest AI tools to streamline tasks, optimize client communication, and foster team development. You'll learn to implement smart, accessible strategi...

  • $50

    Family Based Immigration and Naturalization

    General Credits: 1

    This program will provide an overview of Family-Based Green Card and Non-Immigrant Dependent visas. This CLE course will review the qualifying relationships, eligibility issues, time-frames, filing processes, and work and travel issues while waiting for the green card for certain applicants. Th...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $395
Save $580
Courses priced individually at $975

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