Virginia MCLE - On-Demand Courses

MCLE Courses Available Online & iOS/Android App and with Live Webinars!

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  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching a Solution

    This CLE course presented by highly experienced attorneys and negotiators of settlements, will discuss the important principles of negotiating civil injury and insurance cases. They will outline the 10 most important points for getting “top dollar” for your cases, and also the 10 Reasons Cases Do Not Settle! Our panelists will also discuss how to improve your skills with their thoughts on how to approach negotiations and start the process at the right time. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethics in Debt Collection Law

    The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) can subject lawyers to ethical and liability traps for those collecting and prosecuting consumer debts. This CLE course will break down the particular and common rules of professional responsibility that also cause liability under the FDCPA. The seminar will provide insight on avoiding these pitfalls from defense counsel with 30 years of experience defending law firms against FDCPA allegations. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • On-Demand
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    A Beginners Guide to Motion Practice

    This CLE presentation is primarily focused on Civil and Special Civil motion practice for attorneys beginning in these areas. We will focus on the three most common types of motions, Summary Judgment Motions, Various Discovery Motions, Motions to dismiss/Post judgment motions. Implementing a motion practice strategy is the second phase of preparing your trial notebook (the First being a Discovery Plan). The motion practice strategy provides the attorney with the direction and purpose o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Immigration for the Extraordinary: O-1 and EB1-1

    Temporary U.S. work visas and green cards are available for the “best and the brightest” from around the world. This seminar will review the regulatory standards and required evidence for nonimmigrant and immigrant petitions for these stars. This CLE course will review the three O-1 categories in detail, briefly touch on the P-1 for athletes, and discuss building a green card case. You’ll learn both legal and practical considerations in advising clients and preparing winning cases.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Search and Seizure Fundamentals

    In this CLE presentation, retired FLETC Senior Legal Instructor will provide a functional overview of search and seizure law under the Fourth Amendment. The presentation will start with and introduction to the Fourth Amendment, followed by a look at when the Fourth Amendment applies, and finishes will an overview of the many judicially-recognized exceptions to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment. More Info

    2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    "Oh The Places We'll Go": Mediating With An Open Mind While Managing Expectations

    This CLE course will discuss the mechanics of mediation/dispute resolution and the myths associated with dispute resolution. During the course, we will discuss the and attempt to eliminate the reluctance to participate fully and transparently in mediation to allow parties to identify on their own the ability to end conflict, to save in costs of litigation, to grow personally and professionally. More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Equity & Inclusion Confusion: Discrimination and Other Trending Employment Law Topics for Non-Employment Lawyers

    This CLE will introduce non-employment lawyers to employment law, beginning with the unusually challenging question of employee vs. independent contractor and the implications of worker classification. We will summarize federal laws governing the employment relationship including Title VII, The Americans with Disabilities Act, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, among others. We will also outline the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Sexual Harassment, “Me Too” Allegations, and Settlement Agreements: A Necessary Perspective for Counsel

    This interactive CLE session will identify the issues that counsel must recognize and understand to effectively advise clients on the need for a policy against sexual harassment and employee training, the difference between company policy and what constitutes sexual harassment under federal law, the merits of a claim of sexual harassment and assessing potential costs and the risk of litigation. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Employment Law Issues in Telework Environments

    The COVID-19 virus ushered in a new age of remote work all over the world. Since then, the battle between employees wanting to maintain work-from-home status and employers trying to find ways to bring employees back to the office has remained fierce. This CLE course will outline the employment law issues that arise for employers who allow employees to telework on either a full-time or hybrid basis. The course will identify trends, unique problems associated with telework, and best prac... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Professionalism: The Calling, Leadership, and Answering When the Bough Breaks

    All attorneys, in any practice, face adversity and difficulty. We can be placed in situations where our best choices can only come from our internal moral compass. The best way to delve into who we are and how we will respond to such complex decision-making is to examine other examples of others who had to also pass through a crucible. In this course, we’ll walk you through how a crisis places our own sense of civility and professionalism on trial. This CLE will include a PowerPoint... More Info

    1Ethics Credit

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