Washington DC CLE - Intellectual Property Courses

This is a listing of Intellectual Property CLE Courses for Washington DC. Please make your selection below of Washington DC CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • The “First Sale Doctrine” in the 21st Century

    As most of you know, the “First Sale Doctrine” is a provision in copyright law that permits the owner of a copy of a copyrighted item to sell or transfer that item to another person. In other words if you buy a book or movie CD, you can sell or give away that copy without running afoul of copyright law But there are, of course, lots of nuances and exceptions to this rule. For example, the protection only covers works that were “lawfully made” under the copyright act, and it only protect... More Info

    0.5General Credit
  • A Lawyers Guide to Theatre Production

    Donald C. Farber has been practicing Entertainment Law for over 50 years. His vast experience in theatre resulted from his having to learn on the job. As a result, he wrote his first book on producing an Off-Broadway play. This course could easily take its title from that of his book, “From Option to Opening.” This course sets forth exactly what one must legally do to represent a play from beginning to end--that is from the Option to Opening. Along the way, after discussion of the O... More Info

    2.5General Credits

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