Washington MCLE - Alternative Dispute Resolution Courses

This is a listing of Alternative Dispute Resolution CLE Courses for Washington. Please make your selection below of Washington CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution

    The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution, particularly in the area of mediation, has grown dramatically in the past ten years. However, it is a process in which many counsel are unfamiliar. Judge Scheinkman will discuss the importance of ethical considerations that relate to settlement negotiations. Given the nature of mediation, it is important that the parties negotiate in an ethical fashion which translates into good faith. While the trust of an adversary is a relative concept, there is an... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Selecting the Appropriate ADR Forum for Your Case

    Initial Decisions in choosing an ADR Forum for Tort Cases are significantly important given that not every lawsuit fits each and every ADR Forum. First, identifying the choices of ADR forums (Binding ADR with high/low parameters, Non-Binding Mediation or Hybrid Non-Binding/Arbitration or Med-Arb. Consideration then should deal with the nature of the jurisdiction that you are in, the status of the case (early pre-litigation cases, cases with some degree of discovery and cases that are b... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • FINRA's Disciplinary Hearing Process

    Hear from FINRA Enforcement counsel, defense counsel, and a hearing panelist as they broaden awareness about FINRA's disciplinary hearing process and highlight distinctions between self-driven hearings and administrative law judge hearings. This CLE course will discuss: The differences between FINRA hearings versus hearings by administrative law judges; The conflicts clearance process for panelists and hearing officers; The full lifecycle of a case from the pre-complaint phase throu... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • The Mediator's Toolkit: 15 Strategies Towards A Successful Mediation

    Mediation has been called an art and not a science. It is true that there is not one specific way to conduct a mediation. However, there are tried-and-true methods for facilitating a successful mediation. That success will be determined by the attainment of Win-Win by both parties. This CLE program will outline and discuss strategies that ensure that the mediation will be dignified and productive. Many of these strategies can be used in non-mediation circumstance such as negotiations,... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Navigating The World of Sexual Abuse Allegations

    A detailed look at the issues, challenges, and pitfalls facing practitioners defending sex abuse allegations on their client's behalf. From ACS child services and other similar administrative agencies through civil and criminal matters in our courthouses and beyond, the discussion will cover many topics, including jurisdiction, statute of limitations, mediation & arbitration, confusion in how these cases are charged and pled, appellate preservation, confronting expert witness testimony... More Info

    2Law & Legal Proc.
  • Negotiating the Serious and Catastrophic Injury Case

    Our panelists, highly experienced trial and litigation specialists, will discuss the negotiation, and preparation for such, of catastrophic injury cases. These cases require a more sophisticated and organized work up. How do you use the medical personnel who worked on the case, and what do you need from them to help you in negotiating the case? What additional experts do you need to flesh out the damages claim? How do you prepare to negotiate the claim for future damages including me... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • "Oh The Places We'll Go": Mediating With An Open Mind While Managing Expectations

    This CLE course will discuss the mechanics of mediation/dispute resolution and the myths associated with dispute resolution. During the course, we will discuss the and attempt to eliminate the reluctance to participate fully and transparently in mediation to allow parties to identify on their own the ability to end conflict, to save in costs of litigation, to grow personally and professionally. More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching a Solution

    This CLE course presented by highly experienced attorneys and negotiators of settlements, will discuss the important principles of negotiating civil injury and insurance cases. They will outline the 10 most important points for getting “top dollar” for your cases, and also the 10 Reasons Cases Do Not Settle! Our panelists will also discuss how to improve your skills with their thoughts on how to approach negotiations and start the process at the right time. More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Building a Case to Best Serve the Client: Mediation and Arbitration of Multi-Party Construction Law Claims

    The CLE course will cover various topics related to the challenges presented in Multi-Party Construction Litigation cases. In mediation, we will discuss how best to prepare a client/carrier for mediation and strategies for use of documents. We will also examine how a well drafted mediation statement can prepare the mediator for the challenges that this particular matter presents. We will also discuss strategies in making offers of settlement, including some hybrid options for money an... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Workplace Conflict Resolution Through Mediation and Arbitration

    Conflict in the workplace is natural and can be constructive when communicating different points of view and perspectives in a healthy manner. Frequently, that conflict may trigger reactions and become an unhealthy conflict that cannot be resolved without the intervention of a neutral party. The use of mediation as a voluntary means of resolving employment disputes is rapidly gaining acceptance. If agreed to early on, it may save the significant costs of litigation yet allow the partie... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Was the Pandemic a Short or Long Term Bankruptcy Sickness

    This course will consist of a short, general description of bankruptcy law history and a description of the different types (Chapters) available and their basic respective functions and differences. There will be a discussion of the last significant Bankruptcy Code amendments effective in 2005. The course materials will include the set of current bankruptcy Schedules and Chapter 13 form plan and explain how to complete these. Finally, the course will include a brief description of bank... More Info

    2Law & Legal Proc.
  • Pitfalls To Avoid When Real Estate and Matrimonial Issues Collide

    Matrimonial law is a challenging area of practice because of how much the practitioner needs to know. It touches upon and overlaps with many other areas of law including tax, trusts and estates, immigration, contract law, criminal law, property, insurance and real estate. One complex area to understand is when matrimonial and real estate law overlap. It is common for a couple who is divorcing to also own real estate, commonly the marital residence. In some instances, the couple may o... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Handling Nonprofit Board Disputes

    Most nonprofit Board members have never served on a nonprofit Board before and do not understand their legal responsibilities. This CLE program will discuss Board responsibilities and fiduciary duty, common disputes between Board Members, Founder Syndrome, and what to do if everyone quits. This program will benefit outside counsel and any attorney asked to advise Boards regarding their disputes and difficulties, as well as in-house counsel who need to understand when to call for help.... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Art of Negotiation

    The Cuban Missile Crisis has just passed its 60th anniversary. It has been said that this crisis is the most examined crisis of American history. Was the positive ending a result of wise decision-making, careful mediation, or just simply luck? The crisis had many actors and held the attention of the entire world during those fateful days in October. This course will examine the negotiations that transpired during the crisis. The actors and their decisions will be highlighted. What lesso... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Legal Ethics and the Mediation Process

    The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly in the area of mediation, has grown dramatically in the past ten years. However, it is a process that many counsel lack familiarity with. Judge Scheinkman will discuss the importance of ethical considerations that relate to settlement negotiations. Given the nature of mediation, it is important that the parties negotiate in an ethical fashion which translates into good faith. While trust of an adversary is a relative concep... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Mediation Ethics for Mediators and Mediation Advocates

    This CLE course is designed for mediation advocates and third-party neutrals to fully inform and assist in understanding and working with the ethical rules that apply in mediation. A review of the Model Standards promulgated jointly and recommended by the ABA (American Bar Association), the AAA (American Arbitration Association), and the ACR (Association for Conflict Resolution) along with an example of how this works in a state which has adopted the model standards, in addition to rel... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Labor and Employment Law Update: What’s New and What’s Next

    This CLE will include both New York State and Federal laws and will discuss updates and developments in labor and employment law. Some of the topics will include: The latest Covid requirements, (yes there are still specific laws and issues on this), sick leave, Unemployment Insurance relating to 1099’s, discrimination, workers’ compensation, wage and hour law updates, electronic monitoring, arbitration agreements, non-compete and non-solicitation agreements and other labor and emplo... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Effective Mediation: What the Mediator Needs to Know to Resolve Your Case

    The latest statistics indicate that well over 95% of all civil cases settle before trial. Mediation is an effective tool that contributes to this high pretrial resolution. This CLE course is designed for beginners and seasoned attorneys to assist in streamlining written and oral presentation at mediation, and getting key information in front of your mediator. More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • What Every Practitioner Needs to Know about Property and Business Interruption Appraisals: A Unique ADR Forum

    Recent catastrophic events such as hurricanes, wildfires, and the global pandemic have spotlighted important insurance coverage protecting property and business interruption. Previous courses I presented have provided insight into the coverage terms and conditions that apply, and the process by which catastrophic claims should be managed and submitted. But what happens when a property or business interruption claim cannot be settled? This course answers the question. Some might think... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • How to Settle Cases During a Pandemic

    COVID-19 has decimated jobs and businesses, causing an upsurge in delinquent account receivables. As difficult as payment has been for debtors, our creditor clients are also losing revenue through uncollectible debt. But through creative negotiations, collection professionals can try and maximize collections during these difficult times with the right mix of empathy, assessment and long term planning. Learn how to successfully keep clients and increase collections by getting to the hea... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • A Voyage Through the Terrain of NYS Administrative Hearings

    This CLE course is designed to assist new or unfamiliar attorneys and Administrative Law Judges to understand general aspects of New York State administrative adjudicatory proceedings. The itinerary includes instruction on the initial establishment of the New York State administrative hearing process, administrative law judges vs. other judges, the basic skills needed to conduct hearings, the relevant components of a hearing, the roles and functions of the parties and how to implement... More Info

    2.75Law & Legal Proc.
  • Commercial Lease Disputes: To Litigate or Arbitrate; Which is the Best Way to Resolve Them

    During the COVID/Post-COVID Era there seems to be a proliferation of disputes between tenants and commercial landlords. So what is the best way to resolve them? Our panel of experts will discuss the pros and cons of commercial lease litigation as well as the pros and cons of commercial lease arbitration. There will also be a panel discussion of the hot button issues and ample time for questions and answers from the audience. More Info

    2Law & Legal Proc.
  • Legal Debt Collection: Best Practices in the Current Environment

    Discover methods that work in the debt collection law practice. Learn where the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. This is a basic course for those who are interested in exploring this field of law. In this CLE we will explore the collection legal practice from beginning to resolution. More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • The New Infrastructure Bill and Your Need to Understand Design-Build and Engineer-Procure-Construct Projects

    Public entities/agencies will want to get funding to work as quick as possible. They will want to avoid the time constraints and design-liability associated with design-bid-build. As a result, there will be a move to design-build (also sometimes referred to as Engineer/Procure/Construct (EPC) projects) in order for these projects to be started as quickly as possible, and to hopefully mitigate exposure for claims. The problem is that the change in legal dynamics associated with desig... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • The Ethics and Art of Settlement at Mediation

    This course will focus on the best way for attorneys to benefit from mediation, including presentation, psychology, strategy and the moves that help to get the best results. The course will examine the mediation process and how ethical behavior can ultimately lead to success. The presenter will share his personal views regarding the relevant American Bar Association Model Rules for Attorney Conduct. Having extensive experience representing, both plaintiffs and defendants, the speaker i... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will provide insight as to the Issues that should be considered when drafting Construction Contracts. The topics discussed are as follows: Drafting Construction Contracts, Mechanics Liens, Termination, Delay Damages, Liquidated v actual damages, Change Orders, Material escalation costs, Insurance and Bonds, and Dispute resolution. More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Successful Negotiations in Presidential History

    Negotiations are sometimes referred to as "the art of the possible". This course, entitled "Negotiations and the Modern Presidency" will utilize US presidential history as a backdrop for analyzing successful, and failed, negotiations and what we can learn from them. Topics to be explored are: Basic principles of negotiation Changes brought about in post-World War II America Negotiations and the civil rights movement Negotiating America's role in the world Negotiating War and Pea... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Evaluating and Negotiating Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    At some juncture during the life of an insurance bad faith case, the parties’ counsel will need to address the potential for settlement of the case. Given the distinctive nature of bad faith claims, assessing the value of such claims presents certain challenges. Likewise, depending on the nature of the claim and the issues involved, counsel for both the policyholder and the insurance company should be mindful of important considerations in trying to reach a mutually satisfactory reso... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Five Critical Developments in Class Action Litigation

    Class action litigation is a constantly shifting and evolving area of jurisprudence. Although class litigation is often amongst the highest stakes of any litigation field, the nature of Rule 23 -which prescribes broad guidelines but few bright line rules -results in divergent and interesting debates, practically and academically. This course will tackle critical recent developments in five different areas of the law related to class litigation-administrative feasibility, Article III ju... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Navigating Landlord Tenant Disputes in A Post-COVID World

    Like all other aspects of life, COVID has affected the litigation and resolution of disputes between landlord and tenants in New York City area. The enforcement of straight forward lease defaults such as the nonpayment of rent have become more difficult to navigate due to ever changing procedural requirements resulting from numerous Executive and Administrative Orders. This lecture will summarize the current procedural stature of landlord/tenant litigation in the Civil and Supreme Co... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Front Loading the Litigation: The Keys to Pretrial Advocacy

    Today cases are won or lost in the pretrial process. In their book, Pretrial Advocacy, Authors Reuben Guttman and JC Lore refer to the pretrial process as “front-loaded.” Guttman and Lore explain that changes to the standards governing pleading, class certification, discovery, summary judgment, and experts -- along with the advent of electronic information including social media – have changed the face of litigation. In this CLE, Guttman and Lore will highlight: The key evidentiary an... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • What Every Family Law Attorney Needs To Know About Debt Collection And Bankruptcy

    In the practice of family law there are many factors to consider, including the issues facing the family as one household becomes two. The issues regarding the debts the family has, how each member of the household will be impacted by the debt and what their options are during or after the dissolution of marriage, including bankruptcy are things every Family Law practitioner should know to help their client’s make informed decisions. More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • International Joint Ventures: Problems, Solutions and Approaches

    This CLE course provides an overview of the legal aspects of cross-border joint ventures (JVs). It covers the basic “nuts-and-bolts” of JVs, such as purpose, capital contributions, governance and management, veto rights and minority protections, profit distributions, transfer restrictions, exit strategies and dispute resolution, but aims to do so specifically in the cross-border or international context. That means also addressing cultural and foreign law issues, repatriation of profit... More Info

    1.75Law & Legal Proc.
  • So You Really Want To Mediate?

    When asking for money damages in civil actions, there are certainly good reasons and appropriate times to look for potential resolutions of litigation before going to trial. There are many beneficial and useful ADR forums, such as Mediation or Binding Arbitration, that can be used to obtain a fair and cost-friendly resolution. This course will explore not only the benefits of a Non-Binding Mediation and other similar Mediation options, some of which are unique and even “out of the box”... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • The Humanity Of The Mediation Process

    Mediation is a process by which a third-party neutral, the mediator, tries to guide the parties in the dispute to a resolution known as Win-Win. Those who practice mediation can attest to the dignity and deep humanity of this process. I have tried to capture some of this grandeur in describing some of the traits that are willy-nilly imposed on both mediators and those who engage in the process. In preparing this lecture, I have divided mediation process into four distinct categories. Th... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • International Arbitration: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Join NYCLA’s ADR Committee for a discussion of the various aspects of international arbitration., Topics to be addressed include: General Characteristics Advantages of International Arbitration Guide to International Organizations Practical Differences in Pre-Hearing and Hearing Practice Round-table Discussion: The Binding Nature of International Arbitration More Info

    2.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Key Points for Success in Virtual Mediation

    Our Panel will discuss how the new remote communication process works, and affects the approach and strategies in mediations, including: What are the dynamics of remote mediations? What if your client is remote as well; does that change your ability to communicate and if so how? Using the private "Zoom Rooms" to have confidential meetings. How remote mediations expand the process and add to the information base. Suggestions for making the remote process work better than even when all are... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Cultural Awareness, Tips, and Tools for Today's Legal Practitioner

    This presentation focuses on the characteristics of "culture", understanding another culture, cultural influences and a self-training guide to cultural awareness. The presentation will be a practical one with usable tips to apply for the participant's cultural awareness development - what that means and how to incorporate tools into their practice to facilitate understanding and enable more productive representation, negotiation, and dispute resolution. More Info

    2.25Ethics Credits
  • The Importance of Security and Integrity Issues within the Virtual ADR Process

    Teleconferencing and videoconferencing are hot topics in today's environment. Legal professionals are using this form of communication now more than ever, which heightens the exposure to cybersecurity threats. This program will provide attendees with in-depth look into the use of technology in conducting arbitrations and mediations virtually. Judge DiBlasi will discuss how the process works, security measures for virtual ADR, tips on how to best protect yourself when on-line during thi... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Post-Pandemic Bankruptcy Mediation: A New Chapter and New Solutions

    A panel of Bankruptcy experts, led by Hon. Elizabeth Stong and former Judge Melanie Cyganowski will discuss the use of mediation to settle Bankruptcy proceedings, with a particular emphasis post pandemic solutions. Our speakers will provide an overview of Bankruptcy Proceedings, with an emphasis on the areas that are particularly appropriate for mediation. Then, they will conduct a “Master Class,” demonstrating how a Fraudulent Conveyance Mediation unfolds, followed by a Round-table... More Info

    3Law & Legal Proc.
  • Employment Agreements: Protection for All Involved

    Employment Agreements are agreements that wed the parties, one or both being an individual, over time, sometimes for many years. As such, they are the quintessential personal service contracts, and to work, each side has to believe that such agreements both advance and protect their self interests throughout the time they remain in force. Employment Agreements should include conditions of employment, duties and responsibilities of each party, compensation, benefits, factors triggering... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • The Second Most Powerful Civil Statute: A Must Watch for Civil Litigators

    New York City's Freelance Isn't Free Act was a first-of-its-kind statute enacted to extend protections for W-2 employees to freelance workers. In doing so, the NYC legislature went above and beyond to deter nonpayment and late payment to freelance workers. The statute has powerful civil remedies including negative presumptions against hiring parties, double damages, attorney's fees and more. Other jurisdictions are following NYC's lead, including New Jersey. Join this must-watch progra... More Info

    1.75Law & Legal Proc.
  • How to Maintain a Successful ADR Practice in the Age of COVID…and Beyond

    Join NYCLA's ADR Committee for PART 2 of its discussion on the Business of an ADR Practice -- Maintaining an ADR Practice. Topics to be discussed include: How Has COVID Changed ADR Practice Cybersecurity Best Practices and Insurance Considerations in the Age of COVID Running an ADR Practice: Solo or Partnership; Are 2 Better than 1? Retainers, Invoicing, Payment Plans, Dealing with Accounts Receivable Never Stop Learning as we Move Toward the Future Evolving as a Professional in... More Info

    2.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Representing Visionary Churches: Using the RFR Act to Protect the Rights of Churches Under the FCS Act

    In 2006, the United States Supreme Court opened the door to psychedelic religious ceremonies by holding that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (“RFRA”) prohibited the DEA from seizing a hallucinogenic tea from a Brazilian church, even though it contained DMT, a Schedule I substance made unlawful under the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”). In 2009, a second Brazlian church obtained a similar ruling from an Oregon District Court. These rulings have fed the widespread perception th... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Entrenchment Mediation Training: For Mediators in Court-Annexed Mediation Programs

    Join us for a discussion from our expert panel about their tips and techniques for handling entrenchment; getting parties to invest in the mediation and stay at the table; breaking the 90 minute barrier; and breaking the impasse to reach a settlement. More Info

    2.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Update in Arbitration Law

    Arbitration law has undergone significant changes over the past year. This course will explain those changes, paying particular attention to staying or compelling arbitration, enforcing or vacating wards, non-party discovery and arbitration in the era of zoom. The course will present arguments against arbitration and present case studies in a variety of possible maneuvers that can be taken as well as explain the most recent considerations in arbitration law including that of non-party... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Cancelling Contracts Due to Pandemics: The Jewish and American Law Views

    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented shutdown of the American economy. Contractual obligations typically provide security to individuals and businesses, who rely on the obligations and benefits set forth in agreements to plan for the future. But what happens when circumstances are so unusual that everyone's expectations are completely upended? This CLE will address the issue of contractual obligations in the wake of unforeseen circumstances, such as a global pandemic, from... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.

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