Washington MCLE - Insurance Law Courses

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  • The Basics Of Social Security Disability Under Titles 2 and 16 of the Act and Other Procedural Matters and Issues

    This CLE course discusses relevant statutory and case law related to the United States Social Security Administration and the Social Security Act as well as two additional notes of recent regulatory change. This course will go over the history of the Nation’s Social Security Program with emphasis on the disability programs and procedures under Titles 2 and 16 of the Social Security Act. This CLE course will include an explanation of the Social Security disability program’s Five Step s... More Info

    2Law & Legal Proc.
  • Acquisitions of Insurance Businesses

    This CLE will address different ways to structure an acquisition of an insurance business, depending on variables such as the kind of business being acquired and the buyer’s business objectives. It will address specific provisions often included in contracts including industry- specific reps & warranties and closing conditions relating to regulatory approvals. This course will also address due diligence considerations, identifying regulatory approvals, preparation of filings, disclosure requ... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and Business Interruption: The Developing Rough Coverage Storm Ahead

    The unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, both from social distancing and the necessity to close businesses has created a domino effect across industries. Without an end in sight, businesses are evaluating their insurance policies to determine applicable coverage. This CLE course will explain business interruption insurance, its requirements and benefits and the review first cases filed for coverage. More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Starting a Social Security Disability Practice: Mistakes to Avoid and Best Practices to Follow

    This CLE course is designed for attorneys who are considering adding Social Security disability claimant representation to their practices. Presented by Jonathan Ginsberg, an experienced disability lawyer with over 25 years’ experience representing disability applicants, you will learn how to identify cases with the highest likelihood of success, cases to avoid, the three theories of disability that apply in every case and the time line for a typical case. Attorney Ginsberg also discus... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • Disability Insurance Claims: Different Stages and Different Dangers

    ERISA and Private long-term disability insurance disputes are a complex combination of federal regulations and more traditional contract litigation and insurance law. Successfully navigating the minefields presented by ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and an administrative process that is highly restrictive and fraught with legal hurdles requires experience and specific substantive and procedural knowledge. This CLE course will review the differences betwee... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • ERISA Claim Appeals

    This CLE presentation will address Pre-litigation Appeals of benefit denials in ERISA cases which are generally considered mandatory. Claim appeals are also often the key to success or failure in litigation, yet they are often given insufficient attention both by claimants and plan administrators. This course will examine the origin and purpose behind claim appeals, the “rules of the road” (i.e., the Department of Labor’s regulations), and cases that have shaped how claim appeals are conducted... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • Evolving Risks of COVID-19: Coverage Implications, Recent Litigation and the Legislative Landscape

    The financial losses businesses throughout the US continue to suffer as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented, with the true scope of loss yet to be realized. A high degree of uncertainty remains among business owners as to access to relief for COVID-19 related losses, including the availability of insurance coverage for loss of income under business interruption policies and other lines of insurance. The insurance industry has largely maintained that business interruption co... More Info

    1.25Law & Legal Proc.
  • Social Security Disability Law Basics

    Would you like to learn the basic nuts and bolts of a Social Security Disability claim? Are you ready to learn a new topic or add a new practice area to your existing law practice? This CLE course will cover the fundamentals of Social Security Disability administrative law. Includes an overview of the application process from claim filing through to administrative hearing and beyond to the claim payment and appellate process. Key administrative law regulations and caselaw will be referenced a... More Info

    1.5Law & Legal Proc.
  • ERISA for Dummies

    This CLE course presents an overview of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) – what is ERISA, what does ERISA encompass and what is excluded, how ERISA differs from other civil litigation, preemption issues, the ERISA “savings” clause, and remedies available under ERISA. While not intended to be an exhaustive seminar on the ins and outs of ERISA, the program will provide the non-ERISA practitioner with a basic understanding of ERISA and its impact on other areas of practice.... More Info

    1Law & Legal Proc.
  • The “New Reality” of Design Responsibility for Construction Contractors and Subcontractors: Common Sense Recommendations

    The ‘New Reality’ of design responsibility is that construction contractors and subcontractors are doing more design whether overtly by express “design delegation” or even, at times, unintentionally. The consequences of a contractor taking on design responsibility can be costly because with responsibility generally comes liability. Join us to discuss how and why this happens and provide some “common sense” recommendations to avoid, where possible taking on design risk. Const... More Info

    2Law & Legal Proc.

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