Total Requirements Bundle - Washington CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Total Requirements Bundle. This Bundle contains 45 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures - Including 15 Law & Legal Procedure Credits, 6 Ethics Credits and 1 Equity Credit.

MCLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
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Only $599
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Courses priced individually at $2,225
  • 35.5 Law & Legal Proc.
  • 8.5 Ethics
  • 1 Equity

Total Requirements Bundle Includes:

  • $50

    Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Law Created Inequity

    Equity Credits: 1

    The phrase “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” words often heard and even debated - encapsulates efforts to equalize opportunity. Understanding the need or purpose for DEI efforts requires an appreciation for how the law itself embedded inequity. This CLE course will cover the myriad of laws and jud...

  • $50

    Ethical Referral Fees: A 50 State Survey

    Ethics Credits: 1

    When done correctly, fee sharing is not only ethical–it leads to better outcomes for clients. This CLE program will survey the various regulatory frameworks utilized by states concerning referral fees with the goal of providing lawyers with working understanding of how to employ this tool to benefi...

  • $75

    Broker Lien Rights: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.5

    This CLE course offers an overview of commercial real estate broker lien rights in 34 states, taught by a 46 year attorney who authored or lobbied on behalf of roughly half of those statutes. Topics addressed include the scope of commission claims which are protected, legislative history, the prere...

  • $100

    Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 2

    Is someone infringing on your trademark? How about your copyright or patent? Do you want to protect your invention with a patent? Is clearing and registering your trademark and your Copyright one of your business objectives? Are you interested in securing a licensing agreement either as a licensor...

  • $50

    Lawyers and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Could Go Wrong: Ethical and Other Concerns

    Ethics Credits: 1

    Artificial intelligence and, more specifically, generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is increasingly used by attorneys. GAI is touted as being revolutionary and "game-changing" for the legal profession for purposes of litigation and providing broader legal services to clients. However, GAI brin...

  • $50

    The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    This CLE course will introduce attorneys, across the board, to the transformative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the legal industry. It begins with a clear-cut breakdown of AI and Machine Learning (ML), and their practical applications in law. Then, with focus on how to harness the...

  • $50

    Prosecutors and Restitution: Navigating Ethical Challenges

    Ethics Credits: 1

    In many criminal cases, crime victims are desperately injured and dramatically inconvenienced in a long, confusing, and challenging legal process. The road to recovery physically, legally, emotionally, and personally can be hard. In those exact same cases, criminal defendants face their own serie...

  • $50

    Navigating Ethical Challenges: AI Adoption in Legal Practice

    Ethics Credits: 1

    In light of the widespread emergence of GenAI tools throughout society, the panelists will focus on how GenAI can be used responsibly in the legal industry, consistently with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. The panelists will discuss the ethical implication of GenAI usage and offer pr...

  • $75

    The Ten Worst Ethics Nightmares You Can Have

    Ethics Credits: 1.5

    This program will be a rapid analysis of the 10 disastrous errors you can make in the world of Legal Ethics that will give you nightmares or even derail your career. These groups of errors are not totally inclusive of the challenges that face a modern practitioner but anyone who is actively eng...

  • $100

    Building Your Practice While Complying with the Attorney Advertising Rules

    Ethics Credits: 2

    In this ethics CLE you will learn advanced techniques and best practices to build your practice ethically and in compliance with attorney advertising rules. The program will review the attorney advertising rules and how they apply to public relations, marketing, social media, advertising and we...

  • $75

    Wetlands Law & Policy: From the Federal Clean Water Act to Local Administration

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.5

    Wetlands Science and Law became a very important part of general environmental law, primarily beginning with the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s. Wetlands has paramount importance from the mushy area behind a residential backyard to mitigating Global Climate Change. Topics will include, but i...

  • $50

    Silicon Valley Bank: Do Its Outside Directors Share in the Blame for Its Failure?

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    This riveting CLE course reviews the well-publicized failure of the high-flying Silicon Valley Bank. This bank ran out of money as a result of a quick, massive run on the bank—depositors sought their money back—immediately after the public disclosure of serious financial problems. The demise o...

  • $50

    The Effects of Trauma and Compassion Fatigue on the Lawyer Who Cares

    Ethics Credits: 1

    Many of us were attracted to the legal profession because we care about people and want to help them. Attorneys hopefully recognize that, unlike many other professionals, their lives are already filled to the brim with anxiety and stress. The consequences of shrugging it off can be catastrophic. O...

  • $50

    The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (“PFS”) in a Mass Tort Setting

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.25

    The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS) is a written questionnaire which takes the place of non-negotiated interrogatories, or written questions, and is typically served in Mass Tort litigation. In a Mass Tort case, the Parties negotiate the questions to be asked on the PFS questionnaires. The Defendants...

  • $175

    1st and 4th Amendment and Employment Cases: Difficult Issues and Lessons Learned

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 3.5

    Experienced litigators in the areas of First and Fourth Amendment Law and Employment Law share perspectives on difficult issues and lessons regarding some of the most interesting and timely issues of our day. The presenters will seek to impart lessons you may not have learned in law school or p...

  • $75

    Overhaul of Regulatory Capital Requirements Proposed By US Banking Regulators

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.5

    The US federal banking regulators have jointly proposed extensive revisions to the regulatory capital requirements for [midsize and] larger US banking organizations. The revisions are lengthy and would change the requirements for credit, market, and operational risk. Some of the revisions are l...

  • $100

    Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 2

    There is a false perception that marijuana and cannabis products such as CBD are harmless. They are not. Attorneys and the public are not used to thinking about marijuana as a cause of personal injuries. However, marijuana has proven to cause many personal injuries and attorneys should be aware of...

  • $75

    Veterans Update: What's New from Congress, The Courts and The VA

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.5

    For over three decades, the United States has been at war. Conflicts in Kuwait, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other areas throughout the world have left many Americans with physical and mental disabilities that affect them for the rest of their lives. The Department of V...

  • $50

    Did That Witness Show Up? Hearsay and Confrontation Clause Restrictions and Exceptions in Criminal Prosecutions

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    Criminal practitioners, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and the judges who preside over them must constantly monitor how to address a prosecution when a witness doesn't attend court. Two types of rules regulate how judges should handle these absences. This CLE presentation analyzes how these ru...

  • $50

    Pitfalls To Avoid When Real Estate and Matrimonial Issues Collide

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    Matrimonial law is a challenging area of practice because of how much the practitioner needs to know. It touches upon and overlaps with many other areas of law including tax, trusts and estates, immigration, contract law, criminal law, property, insurance and real estate. One complex area to unde...

  • $100

    Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 2

    Today’s marijuana is high in potency and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The THC in marijuana causes the “high,” and leads to addiction, mental illness, violence, crime, traffic deaths, and many health and social problems. Voters were not adequately informed when marijuana le...

  • $100

    Truck Accident Litigation In a Nutshell

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 2

    This CLE program will provide an overview into important aspects and issues involved in the practice area known as truck accident litigation. These would include: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, statutory employment, liabilities and defenses in accident cases involving driver an...

  • $50

    The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Art of Negotiation

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    The Cuban Missile Crisis has just passed its 60th anniversary. It has been said that this crisis is the most examined crisis of American history. Was the positive ending a result of wise decision-making, careful mediation, or just simply luck? The crisis had many actors and held the attention of th...

  • $50

    Current Trends and Threats in Financial Crimes

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    In this CLE session, Deputy Director Abbate and Under Secretary Nelson discuss the latest developments in financial crimes and illicit finance risk including new and emerging threats related to money laundering, fraud, securities fraud, cyber-crime, digital assets and sanctions.

  • $100

    BIZ BUZZ: Starting, Buying and Selling Small Businesses

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 2

    Big Buzz covers five different ways small entities enter into or leave small businesses. Starting, buying, selling or franchising a business involves numerous steps, analyses and understandings of the legalities and the realities. The lecturer approaches these multifaceted issues from the stand...

  • $50

    Pre-Trial Preparation for Success at Trial

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    This CLE lecture is offered to assist the trial attorney in how to prepare for trial. It will provide you with tried and tested methods to gather information and store it in a way that will permit you to utilize it in the courtroom to aid you in securing a jury verdict in favor of your client.

  • $50

    Navigating the Uncharted Legal Terrain of Artificial Intelligence

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.25

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that studies the development and implementation of algorithms and software that allow machines to think and act like humans. AI has many different forms, the most popular of which are machine learning like ChatGPT, natural language proces...

  • $50

    War Crimes in The Star Wars Universe Episode V: Conflicts, Disputes and More

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    In Episode V, we consider what international law and the law of armed conflict have to say about the legality of Darth Vader's droid program and its parallels to modern-day drone programs; the Battle of Hoth; the complex role that military contractors like Boba Fett play in the law of war; the pote...

  • $50

    Handling Nonprofit Board Disputes

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    Most nonprofit Board members have never served on a nonprofit Board before and do not understand their legal responsibilities. This CLE program will discuss Board responsibilities and fiduciary duty, common disputes between Board Members, Founder Syndrome, and what to do if everyone quits. This...

  • $75

    Fundamental Rights to a Clean, Safe and Healthy Environment: The Case for Green Amendments

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1.5

    This CLE course introduces an emerging intersection of environmental and constitutional law that proves promising in the field of public interest environmental law and advocacy: fundamental environmental rights. Green Amendments, as they’ve been termed, are self-executing provisions added to the...

  • $50

    Workplace Conflict Resolution Through Mediation and Arbitration

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    Conflict in the workplace is natural and can be constructive when communicating different points of view and perspectives in a healthy manner. Frequently, that conflict may trigger reactions and become an unhealthy conflict that cannot be resolved without the intervention of a neutral party. Th...

  • $50

    Rudiments of Social Security Disability Practice

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    This CLE program will review the sequential steps established by the Agency for proving both adult and childhood disability. Each step will be explained per the Agency expectations, with additional comments derived from having presided over adjudications regarding the subject for 25 years. Thi...

  • $50

    Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection Issues: Ethical Considerations and New Requirements

    Law & Legal Proc. Credits: 1

    A number of states are proposing mandating CLE hours with a focus on cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection. This obligation to possess technology competency is not a new concept, as many states have already adopted the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rule's requirement. The purpose o...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

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