West Virginia CLE - On-Demand Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for West Virginia. Please make your selection below of West Virginia CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Statutory Interpretation: Do the Words “because of… sex” Include “Sexual Orientation” and “Transgender Identity”?
“…because of sex.” They seem like simple words, but are integral in the context of employment discrimination. This CLE course will address prior United States Supreme Court litigation such as Hopkins and Oncale regarding whether sexual orientation and transgender identity were included in the statutory definition of “sex.” The course will evaluate three cases before the Court decided on the basis of statutory interpretation, and how they address the question of the court’s st... More Info
$2104.96General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Five Steps to Protect Your Firm from Catastrophic Cyber Attacks
In this CLE program, you will learn the 5 critical steps needed to protect your law firm and client data from malicious cyber attacks. These crucial steps will dramatically increase your overall security stance and will lessen the chances of you becoming a victim to cybercriminals. Cyber attacks are on the rise and every business is at risk. More Info
$501.22General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
What You and Your Clients Need to Know About the USPTO’s Post-Registration Audit
Removing “deadwood” (registrations for marks that are not in use in commerce) from the Trademark Register has become an increasingly important priority for the USPTO in recent years. A few years ago, the USPTO instituted a permanent post-registration audit program by which it requires trademark registrants who file a Declaration of Use to submit proof of use for two additional items in each class, beyond the product for which a specimen is submitted. This webinar will teach you about th... More Info
$501.2General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
E-Signatures: Managing the New Reality
The world has changed. Now more than ever, the significance and usability of electronic signatures has come to the forefront. This informative CLE program will discuss governing law and various e-signature platforms, as well as provide a demonstration of how you can incorporate them into your practice. More Info
$751.9General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Valuable Data Through the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Bringing a civil action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act requires knowledge and understanding of the statute and its legal requirements. This course will review your ability to bring a civil action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and will also offer a review of its scope, legal requirements, and the Supreme Court’s recent interpretation of the statute in Van Buren v. U.S. The course will also present tips, strategies and alternative causes of action to protect your data f... More Info
$501.22General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Back to Normal: Handling New Jersey Landlord-Tenant Matters in the Post-Covid Era
The COVID-19 pandemic put many practices into a tailspin and perhaps none more than the landlord-tenant practice. Indeed, words like “evictions” and “moratorium” became household phrases after the Covid pandemic and they remain as such even today. However, as life moves on so does the practice of law and in this course we will explore just how to proceed with a “normal” landlord-tenant practice following the conclusion of the pandemic. In this course, we will explore the basic concepts... More Info
$501.42General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Legal Ethics in Tax Practice
Lawyers generally understand that tax is a niche practice area with unique characteristics. The distinguishing factors include not only the technical aspects of the discipline, but also the way practitioners need to mind ethical standards. On top of the ABA Model Rules and the ethics codes of the individual states, tax lawyers also answer to IRS Circular 230. They also must navigate the various penalties set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. For opinion practice, tax attorneys look t... More Info
$501.24Ethics Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Defending DWAI Drug Cases
This CLE course is intended to provide tools with which NY criminal defense attorneys can digest and attack the evidence utilized in DWAI drug cases. We are seeing an increase in the inflexibility of prosecutors to offer standard reductions in DWAI drug cases which requires more of these cases to proceed to hearings and a trial. The speaker will discuss blood test results and how to use them to affirmatively attack the People’s case. Additionally, we will dissect the drug recognitio... More Info
$1002.22General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Psychedelics: A Selection of Trending Legal and Legislative Issues
Psychedelics are appearing with consistently greater frequency in the popular media with projections that they will launch a new era in mental health care. Stories about the flow of investments into start-ups intending to take psychedelics through the federal drug approval process appear side-by-side with stories about the movement of state legislation intended to decriminalize psychedelics or create licensed psychedelic treatment centers. This CLE program will examine what psychedelic... More Info
$501.26General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Privacy and Cyber Breaches: Are You Next?
For businesses large and small, compliance with federal, state, and foreign privacy laws and regulations has become an essential business obligation. These laws govern a company’s collection, storage, use, sharing and disposal of personally identifiable information (“PII”), protected health information (“PHI”), and payment card information (“PCI”). A company’s innocent or inadvertent failure to abide by these laws, or its failure to timely and fully disclose how it performs such tasks,... More Info
$751.8General Credits