West Virginia CLE - Litigation Courses

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Man Your Battle Stations: Construction Claims & Successful Resolution

    You may have known this moment was coming. There were plenty of indications along the way as the work proceeded. You may have instructed your client to keep the right kind of records and compose the right kind of letters as the work proceeded, and hoped your instructions were followed. Or, you may have been introduced late to the project and now are faced with the familiar “it is what it is” when it comes to how your client has handled the situation and the available documentation. E... More Info

    3.26General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Meteorology and the Law: Hazardous Weather Preparedness and Litigation

    Failure to prepare in advance for weather events, either as a result of misinformation or lack of knowledge about how to do so, is the cause of many weather-related lawsuits. Proper preparation in advance of both minor and major weather hazards can protect lives and property and create a more resilient community in the face of a changing climate. This course will present a survey of the field of forensic meteorology, including a discussion of the types of cases on which meteorologist... More Info

    1.54General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    I Want the Truth! How to Use Impeachment Effectively In Court

    This CLE course will provide an overview of how to do effective impeachment of a witness under the Federal Rules of Evidence. This course will provide an analysis of the relevant rules of evidence, the major methods of impeachment, and how do conduct an effective impeachment of a witness. This course will also provide real world examples of impeachment during a trial. More Info

    1.36General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Discovery in a Tractor Trailer Case

    What do you do when a major truck crash case calls your office? This CLE will walk you through the critical steps that must be taken immediately to ensure a successful recovery in the truck crash litigation. Along the way, the CLE will address court orders seeking the restriction of movement of exigent evidence, as well as templates for the preservation of vital documents, and how to use Freedom of Information Act requests to your advantage. More Info

    1.24General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    The Patent Process for the Curious: What Lawyers Need to Know

    As trusted advisors, lawyers are often asked many questions about legal matters outside their area of practice. One area of law that most lawyers do not have any experience with is patent law, and in particular, the patent prosecution process. Patent prosecution requires a special license which in turn requires passing its own exam and an undergraduate degree in a science or engineering. Because it is such a specialized area of practice, with about only 40,000 active practitioners in the US... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    How to Conduct a Voir Dire

    Join us for an interactive program designed to teach you how to question potential jurors, the red-flags to look for, when you should challenge a potential juror, dismissing potential jurors for cause – all while being mindful of the need for a diverse and non-biased jury panel. The differences and similarities in the jury selection process in New York and California will also be noted. Don’t miss this highly entertaining and informative session! More Info

    3.36General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Cross Examination of the Arresting Officer and DRE in a DWAI Drugs Case

    This CLE lecture is focused on assisting attorneys navigate DWAI Drugs cases and effectively represent their clients. At the outset, this presentation will describe the strategies involved in cross-examining the arresting officer along with providing practical examples. With the assistance of a former Drug Recognition Expert, we will then turn from the arresting officer to cross-examining the DRE. We will discuss the DRE protocol and how the DRE is able to determine the appropriate dru... More Info

    1.84General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Representing Comic Book Creator Clients

    In this CLE course, we present an overview of the comic book industry over the past two years, highlight new areas of litigation and transactional work, and provide the fundamentals of representing comic book industry clients. We will explore new distribution models, NFTs, and myriad new cases impacting the comic book and graphic novel publishes and the attorneys who represent them. We will also be addressing diversity and inclusion topics key to representing clients in the comic book... More Info

    3.82General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    Summations and Litigation War Stories

    Join us for a program focusing on the importance of summation during a trial, tips and successful techniques, as well as lessons learned from years of litigation experiences from our expert faculty and ethical considerations. More Info

    2.86General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Can We Get Back to Business? The FDCPA and The Post-Covid World

    Now that society is starting to re-emerge from the COVID shutdowns and businesses are ramping back up (if they were not already), issues of cashflow, collections and receivables are again front of mind of business owners. What do businesses need to do regarding their receivables if they are involved in consumer transactions? Did COVID affect the ability of businesses to collect their receivables? What does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) require and what are the differenc... More Info

    1.34General Credits

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