West Virginia CLE - Litigation Courses

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Evaluating and Negotiating Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    At some juncture during the life of an insurance bad faith case, the parties’ counsel will need to address the potential for settlement of the case. Given the distinctive nature of bad faith claims, assessing the value of such claims presents certain challenges. Likewise, depending on the nature of the claim and the issues involved, counsel for both the policyholder and the insurance company should be mindful of important considerations in trying to reach a mutually satisfactory reso... More Info

    1.84General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    In this CLE course we will discuss maritime law as it touches on both property damage cases, such as a towboat hitting a pier, and personal injury cases such as a small boat hitting a pier with resulting injuries. We will discuss the underlying theories of liability, comparative fault, the personification of the vessel and "in rem" liability, and the flip side of in rem liability the ability of a boat owner to limit liability for property damage and personal injury to the value of the vessel.... More Info

    2.44General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    How Defense Attorneys Can Effectively Use The Stand Your Ground Law To Win Criminal Cases

    This CLE will provide an overview of Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law and will inform attorneys how they can use the law to their client’s benefit. The CLE will cover the history of the statute and the current state of the law. The presentation will also provide an overview of stand your ground motion hearings. Finally the presentation will provide a real world example of how the statute was used successfully in a recent homicide trial. More Info

    1.22General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Legal Liability of The Cruise Industry for COVID-19 Related Injuries and Deaths of Passengers and Crew

    This course will examine the recent slew of cases involving suits by passengers against cruise lines for damages relating to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It will also examine ship-owner liability to crews under traditional principles of Maritime Law and the Jones Act. Particular attention will be paid to claims for emotional distress where passengers were exposed to the virus and quarantined but never contracted the virus. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) grants immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, empowering them to delete, modify or censor material they deem “objectionable,” or even ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion. They can do all this even if the material deleted “is constitutionally protected.” Since online platforms have become a main source of information for most of the world, this means that a few individuals are th... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Are You Up To It? Handling High Conflict Custody and Divorce Matters

    This CLE course is designed to help the practitioner who handles divorce and custody matters be prepared for, accept and successfully represent clients in cases that fall toward the extreme end of the spectrum from corroborative to adversarial. When cases are the most adversarial, they require special skill in everything from management of case related costs, locating and retaining effective and relevant experts to working with the client’s stated and reasonable objectives and expectat... More Info

    1.84General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    NFT's: A Survey of Intellectual Property Issues

    One year ago, an NFT of Beeple’s collage sold at Christie’s for $69 million. Since then, the term NFT has permeated our society. Between staggering sale prices, celebrity endorsements, and revolutionary use cases, NFTs have taken the world by storm. But what have we learned during this trip around the sun? This timely CLE course features a panel of experts who will discuss the current state of the NFT and Web3 culture and community, as well as a deep dive into the most pressing i... More Info

    1.84General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    The economic impact of digital evolution is a reality of our daily lives. Over the past decade, the “Internet of Things” replaced the “Internet of Information.” Today and since the emergence of blockchain technology, we are seeing a sweeping wave of the “Internet of Value” gradually taking over the web and yielding in its wake a transformation of our economic systems deeper than the first two waves combined. Open a magazine, nowadays, and you’re bound to find an article discuss... More Info

    1.34General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Split-Dollar Life Insurance Planning After the Levine Case

    A recent Tax Court case gave a resounding victory to the taxpayer who had pursued what some might view as an aggressive split-dollar life insurance plan to minimize estate taxes. Estate of Marion Levine v. Commr. 158 T.C. No. 2, This CLE will set the stage with a review of split-dollar planning then analyze the case. This follows prior cases that held against other taxpayers using similar techniques. Understanding what the taxpayer did right in the Levine case, and how that contrasts t... More Info

    1.52General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Recent Important Civil Cases of The Virginia Supreme Court For All Civil Litigators

    This CLE program will review 44 written summaries of recent opinions of the Virginia Supreme Court of importance for attorneys practicing civil law in Virginia. These cases cover a wide range of topics including torts, wrongful death, civil rights, contracts, economic loss rule, family law, civil procedure, evidence, causes of action, and affirmative defenses, including immunity and resjudicata/collateral estoppel. Each summary includes an alert which all lawyers should consider from t... More Info

    2.42General Credits

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